Are you an only child, or do you have a sibling? No matter which one you are, you will probably envy the other. My friends with siblings envy me for being an only child, and I envy them for having siblings. For those with siblings, I would like to describe what it means to be an only child and allow you to understand better what it is like. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, “only child” means a person who never had a brother or sister. However, what it means to be an only child is much more complex than this simple definition. Being an only child is being lonely, independent, and confident.
Firstly, being an only child is being lonely. As an only child, I have experienced loneliness many times. When I was younger, I wished I had a sibling, for I had no one to play with at home. I wanted someone comfortable that I could rely on. When I played alone, I always wanted to play with a person of my age. My parents were too busy, and my friends couldn’t come over every time I wanted them to. Although siblings argue and fight frequently, they can act as close friends. Since they are of a similar age, they can support one another. Unlike siblings, who have a friend to spend time with, only children are left alone at home.
However, only children form independence from the loneliness they experience. According to a study by medical students in Thailand, only children had more independence than those with siblings. While children with siblings depend a lot on their siblings, only children have to complete certain tasks on their own. Some might say that only children can rely on their parents. However, as children grow up, they need to develop independence, which is difficult with their parents’ help. Doing things independently from a young age without relying on others will be good practice for the future.
Finally, only children tend to have more confidence, too. His or her environment can influence one’s confidence. The circumstances only children are in are ideal for a child’s development in confidence. First of all, only children are the center of attention for adults. They receive all the love and support from their parents and other relatives. Thus, they also often live a comparatively prestigious life with a lot of support from others. Also, they don’t have siblings to be compared to. Those with siblings are often compared to their siblings. This discourages them and makes them feel inferior. Being compared to others is one of the major reasons for low self-esteem. In addition, since most only children spend more time by themselves, they may think about their positive traits and personal ability. This may also contribute to their confidence.
Being an only child has helped me develop many positive traits. Although being one can be lonely, in the end, there will be more positive effects from being an only child.